CShark beyond Earth


The municipality of Sesto San Giovanni (Milan) and Eclipse Events decided to celebrate the 50 years after the moon landing, which took place on 20 July 1969, by giving life to a special exhibit: "Beyond Earth, 50 years after the moon landing". From the 4th to the 8th of July it will be possible to discover all curiosities about Apollo 11 and this fascinating event that changed humanity forever.



During this occasion CShark has had the opportunity to present its new software, commissioned by Eclipse Events specifically for this exhibit. Through this application and a scale synchronized via Bluetooth it is possible to determine how much a person weights on Earth and on all eight planets of our solar system. Just step on the scale and choose the planet you are interested in: the application will immediately convert your weight.

This experience represents a great opportunity for CShark: thanks to it a new, larger and heterogeneous public has the possibility to know and try our products and give feedback, which is fundamental to us in order to better and optimize our softwares.